Transparencies and Posters
Talks from 2015
Seminar, Oldenburg 22.01.2015
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Efficient simulation methods for quantum field theory and statistical physics models" [PDF]
Talks from 2014
The 32st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, New York, USA, July 23th - 28th 2014
Dr. Patrick Fritzsch
"Towards a new determination of the QCD Lambda parameter from running couplings in the three-flavour theory" [PDF]
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Triviality of φ44 in the broken phase revisited" [PDF]
Forschungsseminar Quantenfeldtheorie, Münster, May 26th 2014
Dr. Patrick Fritzsch
"Aiming for a higher precision in the QCD Lambda-parameter using running couplings in the three-flavour theory" [PDF]
SIGN 2014, International Workshop on the Sign Problem in QCD and beyond, Darmstadt, Feb 18-21 2014
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Worm algorithms: from loops to surfaces, from spin models to gauge theories" [PDF]
Talks from 2013
19th SFB meeting, Karlsruhe, Oct 8th 2013
Dr. Tomasz Korzec
"Large Volume Simulations with openQCD" [PDF]
The 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Mainz, Germany, July 28th - Aug 3rd 2013
Dr. Patrick Fritzsch
"Studying the gradient flow coupling in the Schrödinger functional" [PDF]
Dr. Tomasz Korzec
"Simulating the Random Surface Representation of Abelian Gauge Theories" [PDF]
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Simulated random surfaces and effective string models in 3d Z(2) gauge theory" [PDF]
Dr. Oliver Bär
"The kaon mass in 2+1+1 flavor twisted mass Wilson ChPT" [PDF]
Lattice seminar, Regensburg, Jan 30th 2013
Dr. Patrick Fritzsch
"B physics from non-perturbative HQET with two dynamical light quarks" [PDF]
Monash University, Melbourne, Jan 15th 2013
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Taking worm algorithms from spin models to Abelian lattice gauge theory" [PDF]
Talks from 2012
Dublin University Mathematical Society of Undergraduate Students, Oct 30th 2012
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Playing with Quantum Mechanics on the lattice" [PDF]
18th SFB meeting, HU Berlin, Oct 1st 2012
Dr. Patrick Fritzsch
"Final results on the strange quark mass and the Lambda parameter at Nf = 2?" [PDF]
Sign2012, Regensburg, Sept 21st 2012
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Remarks on the sign problem of worldline fermions" [PDF]
JLAB "The 7th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics", Newport News, Aug 6-10 2012
Dr. Patrick Fritzsch
"The Lambda parameter and strange quark mass in two-flavor QCD" [PDF]
ECT* workshop "Beautiful Mesons and Baryons on the Lattice", Trento, April 2-6 2012
Dr. Patrick Fritzsch
"Status and perspectives of B physics from non-perturbative HQET with two dynamical light quarks" [PDF]
17th SFB meeting, Karlsruhe, March 17th 2012
Dr. Patrick Fritzsch
"Update on Vub from B->\tau\nu" [PDF]
Talks from 2011
16th SFB meeting, Aachen, Nov 16th 2011
Dipl.-Phys. Marina Marinkovic
"Strange quark mass and Lambda parameter by the Alpha Collaboration" [PDF]
The XXIX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 11-16 2011
Dr. Patrick Fritzsch
"Mb and fB from non-perturbatively renormalized HQET with Nf=2 light quarks" [PDF]
Quantum Theory Seminar, FSU-Jena, June 23rd 2011
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Strong coupling expansion Monte Carlo in lattice QFTs" [PDF]
15th SFB meeting, DESY Zeuthen, May 16th 2011
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"QCD parameters from the lattice: the Alpha-Collaboration method" [PDF]
Physics Seminar, University of Liverpool, March 2nd 2011
Dr. Patrick Fritzsch
"Precision B-physics from non-perturbative matching of Heavy Quark Effective Theory and QCD" [PDF]
Institutskolloquium, HU-Berlin, February 1st 2011
Dr. Oliver Bär
"Dunkle Materie" [PDF]
Talks from 2010
Seminar, Bielefeld, November 23rd 2010
Dr. Oliver Bär
"Chiral logs in twisted mass Lattice QCD with large isospin breaking" [PDF]
German Japanese seminar, Mishima, Japan, November 4th 2010
Dr. Oliver Bär
"Chiral logs in twisted mass lattice QCD with large isospin breaking" [PDF]
Lattice seminar, HU Berlin, October 25th, 2010
Dr. Patrick Fritzsch
"Heavy quarks, the lattice and me" [PDF]
The XXVIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, June 2010
Dr. Tomasz Korzec
"A worm-inspired algorithm for the simulation of Abelian gauge theories" [PDF]
Talks from 2009
Joint Lattice Seminar HU Berlin - NIC, Desy Zeuthen, November 9th 2009
Dr. Tomasz Korzec
"Baryon structure from lattice QCD" [PDF]
16th Irish Quantum Field Theory Meeting, Dublin, May 15th and 16th 2009
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Sampling strong coupling graphs instead of field configurations: I Scalars" [PDF] -
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Sampling strong coupling graphs instead of field configurations: II Fermions" [PDF]
Trinity College, Dublin, April 7th 2009
Dr. Oliver Bär
"With Wilson quarks towards the epsilon regime Lattice spacing corrections in ChPT" [PDF]
CERN, Bern, February 2009
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Simulation of the all-order strong coupling expansion of a lattice FT" [PDF]
DPG-Fruhjahrstagung, München, 30. März 2009
Dr. Oliver Bär
"Chirale Störungstheorie für die Gitter-QCD" [PDF]
Lattice seminar HU Berlin, January 12, 2009
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Simulate the strong coupling expansion!" [PDF]
Talks from 2008
University of California at San Diego, California, USA, 2008 October 7
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"On the problem of simulating fermions" [PDF]
XXVI. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Williamsburgh, Virginia, USA, 2008 July 14–19
Dr. Oliver Witzel
"Non-Hermitian Polynomial Hybrid Monte Carlo" [PDF]
Workshop für Studenten: Einführung in Monte-Carlo-Methoden, Heidelberg, 18.1. / 19.1.2008 und HU 13.2.2008
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Cluster-Monte-Carlo" [PDF]
Talks from 2007
XXV. International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Regensburg, Juli 30 - August 4, 2007
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Cluster simulation of 2-D Wilson fermions" [PDF] -
Dr. Oliver Bär
"Vector and axial vector current in Wilson ChPT" [PDF]
Kolloquium Uni Wuppertal, Juli 18, 2007
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Solving" QCD by simulation" [PDF]
Kolloqium HU Berlin, 30. Januar 2007
Dr. Oliver Bär
"Effektive Feldtheorien – Brücke zwischen numerischer Simulation und physikalischer Vorhersage" [PDF]
SFB/TR 9 Meeting Aachen, January 21-23, 2007
Dr. Shinji Takeda
"Automatic generation of vertices for the Schrödinger functional" [PDF]
Talks from 2006
Lattice Practices '06, Zeuthen, November 27-28, 2006
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Optimized error analysis for expensive data" [PS]
ECT* workshop "Lattice QCD, Chiral Perturbation Theory and Hadron Phenomenology", Trento, October 2 - 6, 2006
Dr. Oliver Bär
"Lattice QCD with mixed actions: Overlap fermions on a twisted mass sea" [PDF]
XXIV. International Symposion on Lattice Field Theory, Tucson, Arizona, July 23-28 2006
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wolff
"Gross-Neveu model as a laboratory for fermion discretization" [PDF]
IVth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics, Madrid, June 5-10, 2006
Dr. Oliver Bär
"Wilson ChPT and the bending phenomenon in twisted mass Lattice QCD" [PDF]
Seminar, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, May 5, 2006
Dr. Oliver Bär
"Wilson ChPT and twisted mass QCD" [PDF]
Workshop Ringberg, April 24-28, 2006
Dr. Michele Della Morte
"Computing the low energy scale F_K with two flavors in the Schrödinger functional" [PDF] -
Dr. Oliver Bär
"Wilson ChPT and the bending phenomenon in twisted mass Lattice QCD" [PDF]
Workshop, University of Washington, Seattle, March 6-17, 2006
Dr. Oliver Bär
"Lattice QCD with mixed actions" [PDF]
Seminar, Universität Bonn, February 2, 2006
Seminar, Universität Bern, January 27, 2006
Dr. Oliver Bär
"Wilson ChPT and the bending phenomenon in twisted mass Lattice QCD" [PDF]