Egon Steeg und Dr. Stefan Kirstein (HU, PMM)
Andreas Siebert (HU, AG Mulazzi)
13:00 bis 18:00 Uhr im Erwin-Schrödinger Zentrum (
Prof. Dr. Oguz OKAY (F-ISFM Soft Matter and Functional Materials, HZB) + Valentin Reiter (HU, PMM)
Wan-Ing Lin (HU und ETH Zürich)
Katie Herman (HU, PMM)
Matej Kanduc + Alexander Schlaich (FU Berlin)
Cojal Conzalez, José David (HU, PMM)
Liebig, Tobias (HU, PMM)
Falk, Caroline (HU,PMM) and Rezania, Bita (HU,PMM)
Schilo, Andre (HU,PMM)
Dunsing, Valentin (HU, Biophysik)
Reiter, Valentin (HU, PMM)
Manuel Gensler (HU, PMM)
Jonas Gienger (HU, IfP)
Canelas Magalhaes Filho, Carlos (HU, PMM)
Yulia Glebova (Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technology (MITHT))
Pantelis Bampoulis (University of Twente, Group of Fluid Dynamics and Group of Physics of Interfaces and Nanomaterials)
Vitaly Svetovoy (University of Twente, Faculty of Science and Technology, Group of Fluid Dynamics)